Holder of a Master 2 degree in Public Management, a Diploma in Specialised Higher Studies (D.E.S.S) in European Geopolitics and a B.A. (Hons) in Geography and Development (Westminster College, Oxford), I worked for 14 years at the Council of Europe (Strasbourg), among other roles as a project manager in the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities and the Centre of Expertise for Local Government Reform.
As such, I was responsible for developing and implementing numerous cooperation programmes, co-funded by the European Union and other institutions. Those programmes were aimed at providing legislative assistance for decentralisation processes and increasing the capabilities of local and regional authorities in the Council of Europe’s 47 member States, especially through partnerships and sharing of best practice.
These activities enabled me to develop my expertise across several sectors of local government. I also have in-depth knowledge of national and European policies on local and regional authorities and territorial development, and of decentralised cooperation networks.
Lecturer : Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Strasbourg (“Sciences Po”) Master 2 ALORE (Local and Regional Authorities in Europe), Consultant/Trainer at the French Institut National des Études Territoriales (INET), Member of the PILOTE Network (Réseau National de Chercheurs et de Praticiens du Pilotage des Politiques et des Organisations Publiques Territoriales, national network of researchers and others involved in steering regional public policies and organisations).

Guidance and evaluation
• Planning and implementing your projects,
• Putting in place the preconditions for success (aims, tools, methodology, team, efficient resource management),
• Budget programming and monitoring,
• Guaranteeing progress by identifying in advance the potential risks and appropriate solutions,
• Critical analysis of outcomes through performance and evaluation reports.
Networks and name recognition
• Developing partner networks in line with your strategy,
• Increasing your visibility and level of national and international recognition,
• Adding value to your projects, internally and externally, through targeted communication campaigns,
• Ensuring your participation in relevant events on decentralised cooperation (strategic monitoring).
• The institutional environment and workings of European local and regional authorities, their administrative and budgetary structures and the general principles of public management,
• The stakes involved in territorial development and good governance at local and regional level in Europe,
• How the European institutions work, and the policies, programmes and European funds which are targeted at local and regional authorities,
• National and international networks for decentralised cooperation.

• Management of territorial projects in over 30 European countries,
• Providing impetus to national and international networks,
• Leadership skills and the ability to negotiate successfully with national and international partners or providers,
• Organisational skills, autonomy and an entrepreneurial mind-set,
• Ability to analyse data and information and transform them into action plans,
• Curiosity and an open mind,
• Bilingual in French and English, knowledge of Spanish and Russian.
Training your elected representatives and territorial technical staff for greater effectiveness
• Strategic territorial planning,
• Tools for consultation/dialogue with citizens,
• Evaluation of local public policies,
• Modern human-resources management,
• Communication and territorial marketing,
• Comparison of the different approaches taken by European local and regional authorities.


Helping you steer your territorial projects at national and international level
Consultancy services to European local and regional authorities
• Setting up projects and identifying partners,
• Fundraising,
• Guidance,
• Evaluation,
• Exchange of best practice.
Innovation through co-design and co-production of public action.
ROMACT Programme
• Launch, implementation and evaluation of the 1st Phase of the ROMACT Programme, run jointly by the Council of Europe and the European Union, on ‘Building the political will and administrative capacity of European local authorities to include Roma’ (40 pilot municipalities in 5 countries: Bulgaria, Italy, Hungary, Slovakia and Romania) (annual budget: 1,000,000 €) – 2013/2014.
Assessment and long-term planning of the City of Strasbourg's local democracy programme
• Assistance in implementing an ‘assessment and long-term planning’ approach to the City of Strasbourg’s local democracy programme (evaluation/ recommendations based on good practice in France and abroad) and experimenting with the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in consultation activities – 2013.
Assistance for decentralisation in the Balkans and the South Caucasus
• Coordinating the Council of Europe’s activities on legislative assistance for decentralisation in the Balkans and the South Caucasus (total budget: 2,200,000 €) – 2006-2012.
European Alliance of Cities and Regions for Roma Inclusion
• Coordinating the activities of the European Alliance of Cities and Regions for Roma Inclusion (set up in 2013 – 127 local and regional authorities from 29 countries): drawing up the Alliance’s strategic objectives for the period 2014/2016 and promoting the Alliance, especially by organising national workshops and drafting the communication strategy – 2013/2014.
The Council of Europe's Strategy for Innovation and Good Governance at Local Level
• Promoting the Council of Europe’s Strategy for Innovation and Good Governance at Local Level and the European Label of Governance Excellence (ELOGE) in Germany, Belgium, Spain and France – 2009-2012.
Implementation of various Council of Europe cooperation programmes
• Implementing various Council of Europe cooperation programmes for promoting best practice between local and regional authorities, leadership, strategic territorial planning, citizen participation, performance management, human resources management and training of local councillors and territorial technical staff, in Albania, Armenia, Germany, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Spain, France, Georgia and Serbia (in cooperation with the European Union, the OSCE and the Norwegian Association of Cities and Regions/KS: 950,000 €) – 2006-2012.
Organisation of 5 Forums of Cities and Regions of South-East Europe
• Organising 5 Forums of Cities and Regions of South-East Europe (Skopje/Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia-FYROM, Istanbul/Turkey, Novi Sad/Serbia, Prijedor/BiH, Budva/Montenegro – budget per Forum 50,000 €) and ensuring follow-up to their conclusions (reports, resolutions, recommendations) – 2000-2004.
NALAG Project
• Implementing the joint Council of Europe/ European Union project resulting in the creation of the National Association of Local Authorities of Georgia (NALAG), set up in 2004 (budget: 170,000 €) – 2000-2004.
THESIS on ‘The democratic governance of territorial authorities in France and in Europe’ / ‘Is citizen participation a tool for modernising public management and improving local public services?’ – Master 2 in Public Management at the Institut Supérieur d’Administration et de Management (ISAM-IAE), University of Lorraine, Nancy
THESIS on ‘The development of irrigated agriculture in the Senegal River valley and delta’ – Masters in Geography and Development (Bachelor of Arts, Honours) at Westminter College, Oxford, and work placement at the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Senegal, Saint Louis (SAED, Company for the Development and Use of the Senegal River Delta).
REPORT on ‘The effectiveness of the PHARE Programme – Poland-Hungary, Assistance for the Restructuring of the Economy’ – work placement at the Directorate General for Research at the European Parliament.
Consultant / Trainer
Consulting Territorial Europe (CTE)
5 Impasse des Chèvres
67170 Brumath – France
Tel. + 33 6 86 91 84 11
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